Gallery Art Windows, 1110 Vermont Avenue - N.W. Washington  D.C. Virginia, USA, February 2003

Our ways and directions often decide our life. Each of us passes through a labyrinth of many different possibilities. There are many factors and influences coming from every direction. Which is the right way, how to keep our direction? This is the question concerning our life. That is why I have chosen “On the way” as the title of my exhibition.

I am a painter because I have a great need to express myself and/or to comment on the various matters of society. My paintings are a part of my life. They are views into the micro- and macrocosms of our human existence.

I am attempting to achieve an optimal synthesis of all that I know and feel, combining rationality with irrationality, spontaneity with calculated plan.

I use different structure types involving paper, textile and sand on the canvas for giving the impression of light, air and space, which are all important to me. In some of the pictures one can discover human figures. I try to give the viewer a secret spice, so that he or she may find his or her own personal emotional interpretation.

I often combine opposite poles in order to cause dynamic tension. The permanent changing of energy fascinates me. Coming from chaos, I am seeking a superior order involving everything.

.....“A human being, like everything else, is only a small part of freely streaming energy forming the whole universe”..….