All the works were executed during 2006 and 2007, finished in the spring 2007.

Energy – in general, is the theme of my art. The moving, perpetually changing and diversifying form-taking energy comprises everything. Even we, the human beings, are only a small part of it, easily influenced by anything else.

The large scale art objects of the exhibition installation are visible and working from all directions, outside and inside, the environment being included.

The art is not shown as a static subject, but it is interacting with the surrounding. The nature, trees, people, everything is influencing each other, changing not only the view, but also the thinking process.

The objects are composed of three or four large paintings on canvas, linked together by wooden frames on the ground and on the top ot the objects. Additional wooden parts are attached, illustrating the dynamic steadily streeming energy.

There are large paintings, always a couple of the same size, one of them faced  to the inside of the space, another one to the outside. All the works together are forming their own world, a space of illusion. The outside and inside is being joined organically.

The exhibition took place at Glaspavillon Rheinbach, an exhibition area composed of a unique glass construction. The glass of the pavilion has a similar effect as a mirror. It is reflecting and changing, forming new illusionary options. There are relationships between the objects, between the objects and the paintings, between closed and open space, outside and inside, illussion and reality.

Even a visitor of the exhibition or a spectator looking from outside is joining the relationship and becoming part of the art. A performance according to this idea was included in the exhibition.